Sunday, November 1, 2009


November- My 26th birthday! This year my birthday was on a Sunday so we just had a nice relaxing day at my parents. We had my favorite chicken soft taco's for dinner, homemade marzipan cake and opened presents.

Isn't Tyler so NASTY! LOL
Halloween is my favorite holiday. This year went to a party at some friends house.

Tyler was a 70's track runner with some of his friends

and I was Love Lucy.

October- This year we went with a bunch of friends to the Maris Farms to pick out our pumpkins to carve. We started the day going out to breakfast then headed to Maris Farms, we then went back to our friends house made pumpkin pies, carves pumpkins and had pizza before going back to Maris Farms to go to the haunted woods.

At the pumpkin patch

Carving pumpkins

The whole group after the haunted woods at Maris Farms. Tyler and I go to the Maris Farms haunted woods every year. It is the best one around and it takes a good 45 minutes to go through.


Tyler and I were able to do a last mintue week long trip to San Francisco California to visit my family. My mom even came for a couple of days to surprise my grandma. We did all kinds of things while we were there for the week, girls day of pedicures, boys golf, we went to San Francisco, out to dinner, I even learned how to make little girl bows and tutus from my aunt Beckie. We had a great time and wished that we were able to stay longer than a week. My grandma, cousin Jordan, Aunt Sharetta and Tyler and I

Riding the Trolley

Two weeks after returning from California Tyler had knee surgery. It was painful and a longer recovery then he was expecting but he is getting better and loving the light duty shifts he has until after the holidays.


I cant find my picture but we went floating down the Yakima river and thought it was a good idea to mix sun screen and sun tan oil on all day. I got so burnt that my ancles were swollen...AND I MEAN KANKLES!

We also went to wild waves with my little brothers and had a great day. But one warning when you go to wild waves WEAR SANDLES! The ground is so hot your feet feel like they are on fire!

July 25th

Tyler and I were in Amanda and Casey's beautiful wedding! Congrationulations you guys!!!!


Karen said...

sounds like you have been busy. cute pictures.